Quan estic devant del mar
els pensaments s'amunteguen
corren cap dins, cap al fons
i allà qui sap? si es perden.
Jo penso en tu i en mi,
en la mar, i el cor batega.
Nostre passat i el futur
com les ones, van i venen.
Ara suaus, ara et colpegen,
ara et diuen coses dolces,
ara eixorden amb potencia.
Fresques mullen els meus peus
i puja una esgarrifança
qui sap, si es d'enyorança.
Una barca agafaria
per anar al fons del mar
i veure tot el que hi ha,
tants pensaments amagats!
Qui sap si allà trobaria
tot el que trobo a faltar
tot allò que jo tindria
i que està al fons del mar!
When I'm in front of the sea
thoughts crowd
in any run, any background
there and who knows? if you lose.
I think of you and me,
at sea, and the heart beats.
Our past and future
as the waves come and go.
Now soft, now you hit,
Now you say sweet things,
deafness with such power.
Fresh wet my feet
and a chill goes up
who knows, if the longing.
A boat will take
to go to seabed
and see all that there is
hiding many thoughts!
Who knows if there would find
I miss everything
everything that I would
and that is on the seabed!